
The Benefits of a Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in recent years. It is an intervention that allows you to modify the size and shape of the nose to achieve greater harmony with the rest of the face. Although the aesthetic aspect of the nose is the main reason why patients come to the best plastic surgeon in Kanpur , we always like to remind them that the nose is, first of all, to breathe well, and, secondly, to be beautiful and harmonize with the rest of the features of the face. In this sense, the main benefits offered by a rhinoplasty are, both at a functional level, correcting possible problems such as deviation of the septum, and aesthetic. Always prioritizing the functional aspect over the aesthetic. On the other hand, it should be noted that, at least in our hands, it is a surgery that takes place without any pain in the postoperative period. The main discomfort is the packing that is done at the end of the intervention. Normally this packing can be removed the mor

Frequently asked questions about liposuction

Here we have collected some of the most common questions we get about liposuction/fat removal. Who can get liposuction? In principle, all women and men over the age of 20 can be considered for surgery. If you are overweight, it will be beneficial for the result, while also reducing the risk of complications, if you manage to lose weight before the operation. Our dedicated plastic surgeon in Kanpur always consider what is best for you. Sometimes they may come to the conclusion that other operations or treatments may be a better option for you. The breasts are the most common treatment area for liposuction in men . In addition to fat, the breast in men consists of a mammary gland. If the glandular tissue makes up a large part of the breast, it may be necessary to remove this at the same time. This is done via a small incision at the edge of the nipple, and the scar is usually small/not visible. This procedure is called gynecomastia surgery in Kanpur . Liposuction of women'